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2023欧洲Enlit电力能源展 | 海兴积极参与欧洲Smart Grid 2.0 建设




Gather in Europe, Embrace the Future of Energy Together

2023年11月28 日,Enlit Europe 2023在法国巴黎凡尔赛门国际展览中心拉开帷幕。全球电力及能源行业的相关企业和机构齐聚欧洲电力能源展Enlit Europe,展会现场空前火热。海兴电力此次携智能计量产品和智慧能源解决方案,与全球能源企业同台竞技。海兴电力在其展位7.2.C20迎接电力及能源行业相关专业人士,展示海兴深厚的技术和产品能力,共同探讨欧洲未来能源发展及行业趋势。

On November 28, 2023, Enlit Europe 2023 opened its doors at the Paris-Versailles International Exhibition Center in France. Relevant enterprises and organizations from the global power and energy industry gathered at Enlit Europe, making the exhibition exceptionally vibrant. Hexing Group, showcasing its intelligent metering products and smart energy solutions, participated alongside global energy enterprises. Hexing Group welcomes professionals from the power and energy industry at its Booth 7.2.C20, demonstrating its profound technical and product capabilities and engaging in discussions about the future development and industry trends in Europe's energy sector.



作为欧洲最具影响力的专业电力展:Enlit Europe (前身Power Gen Europe & European Utility Week),是欧洲地区能源行业专业的展会,覆盖发电、输配电、智能电网、新能源、储能、智慧城市等全能源行业。海兴电力已连续参展12届。

As Europe's most influential professional power exhibition, Enlit Europe (formerly Power Gen Europe & European Utility Week) stands as the largest and most specialized event in the European energy industry. It spans across the entire energy sector, including power generation, transmission and distribution, smart grids, new energy, energy storage, and smart cities. Hexing Power has been a continuous participant in the exhibition for 12 years.


Hexing Europe


欧洲一直是海兴重要的市场之一,海兴电力深耕欧洲市场多年,遵循“Your Partner of Energy Digital Transformation”的市场定位,坚持“本地交付”、“本地服务”、“成套供应”的经营理念,已设立了5个区域总部,2个办事处,拟建罗马尼亚工厂,产品及服务范围辐射整个欧洲地区,树立了良好的品牌形象,与欧洲客户和合作伙伴实现长期共赢,推动欧洲智慧电力数字化发展。

Europe, being the region that initiated the transition towards clean energy on a global scale, boasts a vast and diverse electricity market that spans multiple countries. With abundant renewable energy resources and a varied energy structure, it stands as one of the regions globally with the most determined and intensive efforts towards the digital transformation of power energy.

Hexing Group considers Europe a crucial market and has been deeply rooted in the European market for many years. Adhering to the market positioning of "Your Partner of Energy Digital Transformation," Hexing Group upholds the principles of "local delivery," "local service," and "complete supply chain." The company has established five regional headquarters, two offices, and Romania factory (Under Construction). Its products and services cover the entire European region, establishing a strong brand image. Hexing Group has fostered long-term win-win relationships with European customers and partners, contributing to the digital development of intelligent power systems in Europe.


Focusing on Power, Hexing Demonstrates Strength

海兴电力以“Go Green, Go Digital”为主题,秉持“Dedicated to Building a Green World”的愿景,携海兴电力明星解决方案AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure); EMS(Energy Management System); HEMS(Home Energy Management System),惊艳亮相展会。海兴电力展位7.2.C20现场人声鼎沸,门庭若市,海兴电力能源专家在现场与能源行业专业人士、业主等展开激烈交谈一起探讨全球未来能源发展及行业趋势,交流产品技术研发能力。作为Wi-SUN联盟唯一的中国董事会成员,海兴迎来Wi-SUN联盟主席Phil先生,共同探讨Wi-SUN通讯发展和未来趋势。

Hexing Group, with the theme "Go Green, Go Digital," and guided by the vision of "Dedicated to Building a Green World," showcased its star solutions – AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure), EMS (Energy Management System), and HEMS (Home Energy Management System) – at the exhibition. The Hexing Group booth, located at 7.2.C20, drew lively discussions and considerable attention, creating a bustling atmosphere. Hexing Group's energy experts engaged in intense conversations with professionals and stakeholders from the energy industry, exploring global future energy development and industry trends, and exchanging insights on product technology and research and development capabilities. As the only Chinese Board Director of Wi-SUN Alliance, Hexing welcomed Mr. Phil Beecher, Chairman of Wi-SUN Alliance, to discuss the development and future trends of Wi-SUN communication technology.


Wi-SUN联盟主席Phil Beecher

(Mr. Phil Beecher, Chairman of Wi-SUN Alliance, Visited Hexing Booth)


Wi-SUN联盟主席Phil Beecher合影

(Enjoyable Moment with Mr. Phil Beecher, Chairman of Wi-SUN Alliance)



(Visitors in Hexing Booth)



(Meeting with Clients)


(Technical Exchange with Potential Customer)


Featured Solution - AMI

海兴AMI解决方案,旨在实现电力系统的远程监控、数据采集和能源管理,我们提倡 “The Saved Energy is the Best Green Energy”,此方案不仅提高了电力系统的运行效率和可靠性,同时降低了能源损耗和管理成本。通过海兴AMI解决方案,电力公司可以实现精准的用电数据监控和计量,为用户提供个性化的能源管理服务,同时实现对电网负载、故障和异常的快速响应和处理。海兴AMI解决方案及计量产品,能够被第三方系统集成或集成第三方设备,极大提升了方案兼容性。海兴AMI解决方案对于提升能源利用效率、减少能源浪费、改善供电质量以及推动智能电网建设具有重要的价值和意义。

Hexing's AMI solution aims to achieve remote monitoring, data collection, and energy management of power systems. We advocate "The Saved Energy is the Best Green Energy." This solution not only improves the operational efficiency and reliability of power systems but also reduces energy losses and management costs. Through Hexing's AMI solution, power companies can achieve precise monitoring and metering of electricity usage, providing personalized energy management services to users. Simultaneously, it enables rapid response and handling of grid loads, faults, and anomalies. Hexing's AMI solution and metering products can be integrated with third-party systems or incorporate third-party devices, greatly enhancing solution compatibility. The Hexing AMI solution is of significant value and importance in improving energy utilization efficiency, reducing energy waste, enhancing power- supply quality, and promoting the construction of smart grids.




Hexing's Commercial Photovoltaic Power Station Energy Management System focuses on monitoring, optimizing, and managing the solar power generation process to enhance the efficiency and capacity utilization of photovoltaic power stations. Our advantage lies in the integration of advanced monitoring technology and intelligent analytical tools, tracking the efficiency of photovoltaic panels and energy output in real-time, and providing customized optimization suggestions to maximize the utilization of solar energy resources. This system accurately identifies energy losses and performance declines, helping to improve power generation efficiency, reduce resource waste, and lower operating costs. Hexing Commercial Photovoltaic Power Station Energy Management Solution enhances the power generation efficiency and reliability of photovoltaic power stations, reduces energy production costs, and simultaneously minimizes environmental impact, promoting the sustainable use of clean energy.




Hexing's HEMS solution aims to assist households in achieving rational utilization and management of energy. The strength of the solution lies in its real-time monitoring and analysis of household energy consumption, helping users formulate more scientific and energy-efficient energy management strategies. Additionally, it provides remote control and operation features, enabling users to control and manage household appliances anytime, anywhere. Hexing's HEMS solution, when combined with solar power generation, energy storage systems, and other technologies, achieves self-sufficiency and energy savings for households. Through the HEMS solution, users can significantly reduce household energy consumption and costs while actively contributing to environmental protection and sustainable development.


海兴将不断创新和迭代技术及产品,发挥本地化交付和服务优势,成为欧洲电力能源行业可靠的合作伙伴(Your Partner of Energy Digital Transformation),积极参与欧洲智能电网Smart Grid 2.0建设,共同推动能源数字化转型升级。

Hexing will continuously innovate and iterate technologies and products, leveraging its localization in delivery and service advantages to become a reliable partner in the European power and energy industry (Your Partner of Energy Digital Transformation). We actively participate in the construction of the European Smart Grid 2.0, jointly promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of the energy sector.
