We respect your privacy. Please consent to all cookies when you visit our website. Refer to our "Privacy Policy" for more information on how we handle personal data.

Privacy Policy

[Hexing Technology Co., Ltd.,) (hereinafter referred to as "[Hexing Africa]", "us" and "ours") are well aware of the importance of privacy to you and will respect your privacy. Please read and understand this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") before submitting your personal data to [Hexing Africa]. This policy applies to the websites owned and operated by [Hexing Africa] Group. This policy introduces the information practices of the [Hexing Africa] website, including what information to collect, how to use such information, whom to share such information with, and how to protect such information.

This policy describes how to process your personal data, but this policy may not involve all possible data processing situations.[Hexing Africa] The website may contain links to other websites.[Hexing Africa] assumes no responsibility for the privacy practices or content of these other websites.

We make this policy to help you understand the following:

1. [Hexing Africa] How to collect and use your personal data

2. [Hexing Africa] How to use Cookie and similar technology

3. [Hexing Africa] How to disclose your personal data

4. How to access or modify your personal data

5. [Hexing Africa] How to protect your personal data

6. Information about the children

7. Third-party providers and their services

8. How to update this policy

9. How to contact [Hexing Africa]

1. [Hexing Africa] How to Collect and use your Personal Data Personal data refers to the information that can determine the personal identity when used alone or in combination with other information. Such data will be submitted directly to us, when you use our website, products or services and interact with us, such as when contacting us for support, or by recording how you interact with our website, products or services, such as through technologies such as Cookie or from software running on your device. If allowed, we also obtain data from public and commercial third-party sources. The data we collect depends on the way you interact with [Hexing Africa], including the website you visit or the products and services you use, including name, enterprise name, position, address, email, telephone number, login information (account number and password), etc. We also collect the information you provide to us and the content of the messages you send to us, such as the query information you enter or the questions or information you provide to obtain customer service support. You may need to provide your personal data when using [Hexing Africa] products or services. In some cases, you can choose not to provide personal data to [Hexing Africa], but if you choose not to provide, [Hexing Africa] may not be able to provide you with relevant products or services, nor to respond to or solve the problems you encounter.

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

(A) Create an account.

(A) With your consent, contact you; send you information about products and services that may interest you; invite you to participate in [Hexing Africa] activities, market survey or satisfaction survey; or send marketing information to you. If you do not want to receive such information, you can unsubscribe at any time.

(D) Send you important notifications, such as notifications of operating system or application updates and installations.

(E) Provide you with personalized user experience and personalized content.

(f) Certified and manage suppliers and business partners, communicate or conduct business with suppliers and business partners.

(g) Conduct internal audit, data analysis and research to improve our products and services.

(H) Check for errors if you choose to send us error details.

(I) Synchronize, share, and store the data you upload or download and the data needed to perform the upload and download.

(J) Protect the security of our products, services and customers or users, enforce and improve our damage protection and anti-fraud programs.

(K) comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards or our policies.

[Hexing Africa] Non-identifying data may also be collected and used. Non-identifiable data is data that cannot be used to identify individuals. For example, [Hexing Africa] will collect aggregated statistics, such as website visits.[Hexing Africa] The purpose of collecting this data is to understand how users use their own websites, products and services. In this way, [Hexing Africa] can improve their service to better meet customer needs.[ Hexing Africa] may voluntarily collect, use, process, transfer, or disclose non-identified data for other purposes. We will do our best to isolate your personal and non-identifying data and use them separately. If personal data is mixed with non-identifying data, it will still be regarded as personal data processing.

When [Hexing Africa] processes your personal data, we will comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and handle them based on an appropriate legal basis, including:

· Process your personal data for performance of the contract when in response to your transaction or service request;

· Process your personal data based on your consent;

· We will base the legitimate interests of our or third parties when contacting you, conducting marketing or market research, and processing your personal data for purposes such as improving our damage prevention or anti-fraud programs. These legitimate interests include enabling us to more effectively manage and operate our business and provide our products and services; protecting our business, systems, products, services, and customers; internal management, compliance with internal policies and processes; and other legitimate interests we have described in this policy;

· We may also process your personal data based on compliance and enforcement of legal obligations.

2. [Hexing Africa] How to use Cookie and similar technology

2.1 Cookie

To make sure the site works, we sometimes store small data files called Cookie on a computer or mobile device. Cookie Is a plain text file of a web server stored on a computer or mobile device. The content of the Cookie can only be retrieved or read by the server where it was created. Each Cookie is unique to your web browser or mobile app. Cookie Usually contains identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. With the help of Cookie, websites can store data such as user preferences to better serve users [Hexing Africa] The purpose of enabling Cookie is the same as most websites or Internet service providers enable Cookie, that is, to improve user experience. With Cookie, the site can remember the user's single visit (session Cookie) or multiple visits (using permanent Cookie). With Cookie, websites can save settings such as the language of a computer or mobile device, font size, and other browsing preferences. This means that the user does not need to reconfigure the user preferences at each visit. If a site doesn't use Cookie, the site is considered a new visitor every time the user opens it. For example, if you log in to a site and go to another page, the site will not identify you and you are logged out again.[ Hexing Africa] will not use Cookie for any purpose other than the purposes stated in this policy. You can manage or delete Cookie based on your preferences. For details on Cookie, see AboutCookies.org.

In addition, we may use local storage objects (LSO) such as Flash cookie and HTML5 to store content information and preferences. Suppliers and partners who offer certain features or display ads on our website based on your web browsing activities will also use LSO such as HTML5 to collect and store information. Various browsers may provide their respective management tools to delete the HMTM5 LSO. You can clear all Cookie saved on your computer, and most web browsers block Cookie. But if you do this, you need to personally change the user settings every time you visit our site.

3. [Hexing Africa] How to disclose your personal data

Under applicable legal requirements or responding to legal procedures, [Hexing Africa] may disclose your personal data to the relevant law enforcement authorities or other government agencies.[ Hexing Africa] will also disclose your data under reasonable needs, such as for the execution of the contract and as we consider it is necessary to prevent physical damage or property damage or to investigate possible or actual illegal acts.

4. How to access or modify your personal data

You should ensure that all personal data submitted are accurate.[ Hexing Africa] will try its best to maintain the accuracy and integrity of personal data and update these data in time.

When required by applicable law, you may have access and access to any or the specific personal data we hold about you; require us to update or correct your inaccurate personal data; refuse or restrict our use of your personal data; and require us to delete your personal data. If you want to exercise your rights, you may need to provide a written request for security. If we have a reasonable basis to believe that these requests are deceptive, impossible or harmful to privacy, we will refuse to address the requests.

When the applicable law requires you, and when [Hexing Africa] processes your personal data based on your consent, you shall also have the right to revoke your consent at any time. However, the revocation of the consent will not affect the legality and validity of our handling of your personal data based on your consent before the revocation, nor will it affect our processing of your personal data based on other appropriate legitimacy basis.

5. [Hexing Africa] How to protect and retain your personal data

[Hexing Africa] Pay attention to the security of personal data. We employ appropriate physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. We will do our best to protect your personal data, but please note that no data transmitted over the Internet is guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. Therefore, although we will take appropriate measures to protect your personal information, [Hexing Africa] cannot determine or guarantee the security of the information provided to us or obtained from our website, so you should be at your own risk when using our website.

We will retain your personal data for the period required to meet the purposes of the Cost policy, unless required or permitted by law. Based on different scenarios and different products and services, the data storage period may be different, the criteria used to determine the retention period include: time to retain personal data to complete the business purpose, including providing products and services, maintaining corresponding transaction and business records, controlling and improving the performance and quality, ensuring the system, products and services, dealing with possible user queries or complaints, problem positioning, etc.; whether users agree to a longer retention period; law, contract, other special requirements to retain data, etc. As long as your account is required for your service, we will keep your registration information. You can also choose to cancel your account. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing products and services based on the account, and delete your corresponding personal data in the absence of special legal requirements.

6. Information about the children

Our site is not available to children under sixteen (16) years old and should not be used by them, and we do not intentionally collect, use, or sell information about such individuals. If you are a minor understood by the laws of your country / region, do not submit any personal information through our site.

7. Third-party providers and their services

To ensure a smooth browsing experience, you may receive content or network links from a third party (hereinafter referred to as the "third party") outside [Hexing Africa] and its partners.[J Hexing Africa] has no control over such third parties. You can choose whether to access the links, content, products, and services provided by third parties.

[Hexing Africa] cannot control the privacy and data protection policies of the third parties, and such third parties are not bound by this policy. Before submitting personal information to third parties, see the privacy policies for these third parties.

8. How to update this policy

[Hexing Africa] reserves the right to update or modify this policy from time to time. If our privacy policy changes, we will publish the latest version of our privacy policy here. If we make a major change to our privacy policy, we may also send you change notices through different channels, such as by publishing a notice on our website or sending you an email (to the email address specified in your account). Under the applicable data protection laws, we will also seek your consent for any material changes that will affect how we use your personal information. We recommend that you view this page regularly for up-to-date information about our privacy practices.

9. How to contact [Hexing Africa]

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us. We will respond within thirty days. If you are not satisfied, you can also complain through the following channels: [ke@hxgroup.com].

When [Hexing Africa] processes your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the [Hexing Africa] entity that responds to your request, contacts you, provides you with products or services, or reaches a contract with you is the controller of the relevant personal data.